Udo's 3.6.9 Oil Blend FAQ
How much Udo's Oil should I take each day? How to measure it?
In general, fat intake recommendation for an adult is about 2 tablespoon per day. Rule of thumb to calculate fat consumption per day= 0.6ml x body weight (kg).
For example:
0.6ml x 50kg = 30ml/day (distribute throughout the day by mixing into breakfast or lunch)
Soup Spoon - 15ml
Tablespoon - 10ml
- What is the shelf life of Udo's Oil?
- Unopened in the freezer - Freshness of the oil can be extend for 1 year from the date of freezing.
- Unopened in the refrigerator - Follow the expiry date on the box.
- Opened in the refrigerator - Consume within 2 months once opened.
- Why is the expiry date of Udo’s Oil so short?
Udo’s Oil is an unrefined, fresh oil. Fresh oil is perishable. We do not take out the health benefits through refining, bleaching and deodorizing processes. If you want the oil that has the essential fatty acid in it, and it is good for health, you need to refrigerate it. Bear in mind that fresh food is perishable, hence it has a shorter shelf life than processed food that already lost their health benefits.
- Can I stir-fry with the oil?
Please do not do this. Heat damages the properties of the unrefined oil so you will lose all the wonderful benefits. It is no problem to add the oil to warm food once it has been served.
- Does the oil need refrigeration?
Yes, we press it in a cool environment, store it in temperature controlled coolrooms and ship it in refrigerated containers to help preserve the integrity of the delicate fatty acids and the overall quality of the oil.
- Why does Udo’s Oil need to be refrigerated?
The single most sensitive molecules in nutrition are Omega 3 and Omega 6 molecules. They are easily damaged by light, heat and oxygen. Refrigeration keeps the freshness longer and slows down the rate of deterioration.
- What is the differences between Udo's Oil and Fish Oil?
Udo’s Oil is foundation oil, fish oil is supplement oil. Foundation is our food and is consumed in larger amount than supplement. A supplement is supposed to supplement our diet but not to replace the food. We are supposed to eat the best food we can and then supplement whatever that is not enough from our diet.
Human generally need about 25-30% of our calories from fats and our major fat source should come from foundation oil and NOT supplemental oil. Udo’s Oil is a food foundation, it is taken in large amount, about 30g to 60g per day (every 30ml of Udo’s Oil provides 19g of essential fatty acids).
Fish Oil is a supplement, it is only an add on. 1 to 3 capsule of fish oils only supply less than 3g of Omega 3 (DHA + EPA) per day. Foundation oil contains the parent essential fatty acids, such as ALA (omega 3) and LA (omega 6) which can be further converted to omega 3 and omega 6 derivatives, whereas supplements like Fish Oil only contains the omega 3 derivatives.
- Udo’s Oil is expensive!
From the production, raw materials are carefully selected from certified organic cultivation. To maximize the stability, nutritional value and freshness, the seeds are pressed with gentle mechanical pressing method (without refining, bleaching and deodorizing) in a low heat, light and oxygen-free environment. Then, it is filtered and filled into nitrogen flushed (absence of oxygen) amber glass bottle and packed in cartons (extra protecting from light). It is refrigerated all the time from manufacturing, storage, shipping, throughout the distribution chain, until it reaches your favourite pharmacy or retailers.
- Is Udo’s Oil considered a raw food?
Yes it is. Minimal heat is involved in its pressing, no enzymes are destroyed and it is not pasteurised at all.
- Why is the ratio of Omegas we take so important?
Dr Udo Erasmus spent 15 years experimenting on getting the most beneficial ratio of Omegas we require daily. For example, he found that using Flax seed oil (linseed) alone, which is very rich in Omega 3 but low in Omega 6 can lead to dry eyes, painful finger joints, fragile skin and skipped heartbeats and lowered immune function. These are the symptoms of Omega 6 deficiency as they are crowded out by the Omega 3’s. Too much of a good thing! Long years of experience led Udo to blend a combination of oils which give you Omega 3:6:9 in a ratio of 2:1:1. He has reliably found this to be the most effective and beneficial blend.
- How do I know I’m getting the right amount?
Your body is intelligent. It knows its own hierarchy when it comes to your health and prioritises your most vital organs. Heart and Brain are high on the list and will be first to take what they need from your oil. After your vital organs and glands are satisfied then come your joints and all soft tissue. Next, your skin, the outermost organ. When you feel your skin becoming smooth and velvety soft, then you can be sure the rest of the vital cells everywhere in your body are getting the optimum amount of Udo’s Oil. You’ll feel the difference.
- Is there any danger in taking too much?
Not really, but as with any oil, your body will let you know if you are taking too much. You may feel nauseated and have much softer stools, almost diarrhea. If this occurs, just cut back.
- How soon will changes be apparent?
This varies from person to person. Udo states that with the proper dosage there should be a noticeable improvement in athletic performance and the skin should become softer and smoother, within a few weeks.
- Do many people use Udo’s Oil for weight loss? If so, how can it work having 29g of fat in two tablespoons?
Most of us have been educated into believing that low fat/no fat diets are good for us. Actually, the most accurate way of looking at fat intake, is that the average person needs about 2000 calories per day to maintain health, with the corresponding amount of exercise etc. Of these 2000 calories, 30% (600 calories) are supposed to come from good nutritional fats.
Since 1 Tbsp of Udo’s Oil™ is only 135 calories, it means that the RDA of the oil (2 Tbsp) is only 270 calories of your daily fat calorie allowance. This means you are far below your recommended daily fat intake, and you have some room for foods with fat in them, or some butter, or olive oil if you want it.
If you have been accustomed to a very low fat, or no fat diet, it is entirely possible that you could gain weight. What needs to be understood is that excess weight primarily comes from taking in too many refined carbohydrates, such as the ones high in starch, as well as refined sugars or white flour. A carbohydrate, when broken down by the body into glucose is what the body uses for fuel. If the intake of fuel is higher than what is burned, the result will be weight gain.
The other point to remember, when consuming Udo’s Oil™, is that you also will be getting the essential fatty acids (EFA’s) that are absolutely integral to the proper functioning of every cell in your body, especially the brain and nerve cells. This is the main reason for taking in oils high in EFA’s.
- How do EFA’s affect weight loss?
Omega-3 can turn off the “fat-making” gene, and turn on the “fat-burning” gene, but carbohydrate intake needs to be reduced drastically. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the body, which is the “immediate” fuel our cells use to create energy. If more fuel is supplied than is needed for energy at that time, the balance of the fuel will be transformed into a “storage” form of fuel, which means it becomes fat.
- Could Udo’s Oil have caused my headache?
Possibly. Since the oil can cause fat stored toxins to be released from their storage sites in the body, these released toxins travel via the bloodstream in order to be eliminated from the body.
This elimination process may cause headaches to develop, but as cleansing progresses, they should go away. Drink at least 2 quarts (litres) of water every day to alleviate distress. This helps flush out toxins and wastes that result from normal cellular metabolism, which can build up around your cells. Please check with your doctor if symptoms persist.
- Can I take Udo's Oil while Pregnant and Breastfeeding?
Yes, firstly because Udo’s Oil does not contain either Vitamin A or D. Secondly, EFA’s are required by infants for proper brain development, particularly between the third trimester of pregnancy and 18 months of age. Pregnant women can become quite deficient in EFA’s as the foetus draw these from the mother. As well as the possibility of being physically depleted, this can have a knock-on effect on your mood during the challenging childrearing days. The addition of sufficient EFA’s to a mother’s diet is known to alleviate post-natal depression and stress. Supplementation with Udo’s Oil while pregnant and breastfeeding will ensure that both, mother and baby, receive sufficient EFA’s. Another great benefit is to your skin – lubricated skin is more elastic, less likely to tear or create stretch marks and returns more easily to its former tautness.
- Is Udo's Oil suitable for children and babies?
Yes, Udo’s Oil can be given to babies over six months old, preferably mixed in food instead of off the spoon, starting with a teaspoonful, and increase with age as follows:
1-3 years - 2 tsp
3-10 years - 1 Tbsp
10 yrs and up - the full 2 Tbsp
- Is Udo's Oil suitable for diabetics and will it interfere with the pill/blood thinning medication/other medication?
Diabetics and people taking the blood thinning agent Warfarin may need to monitor their requirement for the medication more frequently. Omega 3′s in particular are useful for thinning the blood – this will not happen overnight, but rather over a period of time. EFA’s also help to lower the glycemic index of foods which may reduce the requirement for insulin – again, this must be monitored by a GP and will not occur overnight.
- Does Udo's Oil lower Cholesterol? How long will it take?
Omegas alone can help lower cholesterol, but only slightly. It’s phytosterols that block absorption and re-absorption of cholesterol from the gut, lowering levels by up to 25%. Unlike most other supplementary oils, Udo’s Oil contains a rich 65mg per tablespoon, an ample amount to help balance your cholesterol levels. The length of time it takes to notice results depends on your starting level but is usually 3-4 months.
- What effect does Udo’s Oil have on cholesterol levels?
One of the effects is to dissolve cholesterol from the artery walls and other places where it has been stored over the years. This dissolved cholesterol is then transported by the blood to the liver, which will then convert it into bile and discharge it into the digestive tract.
- Three points become very important here:
1. The dissolved cholesterol in the blood can raise the blood cholesterol levels for the first 3-4 weeks, until the stored cholesterol is removed. Then the cholesterol count will go back down.
2. Unless you consume a lot of fibre with your diet, the bile that has been discharged into your digestive tract will not be locked up in the fibre, and may be reabsorbed from the colon into the blood along with the water that is absorbed at the same time.
3. It is very important you drink at least 6 glasses of water every day, to help hydrate your body and assist the fibre in absorbing the bile properly to get rid of wastes including the cholesterol-sourced bile.
- Is Udo’s Oil a source of EPA and DHA?
The traditional source of EPA and DHA is from the oils of cold water fish and marine animals. Among land animals it comes from the brain and glandular tissues. Modern scientific research has found out that these oils deteriorate very rapidly after an animal dies!! These two fatty acids are manufactured in the animal body - and in human bodies - from Omega-3. EPA and DHA are normal constituents of our cells, especially abundant in brain, nerve, visual, adrenal, and sex gland cells, the most bio-chemically active tissues in our bodies. However, in order for our bodies to produce EPA and DHA from Omega-3, the cells have to be healthy. Degenerative conditions may impair our body's ability to make them. Fish and marine animals do produce these fatty acids in their bodies, but they get much of what they require from brown and red algae.
- Omega 3 - Fish versus Plant source; which is better?
The Omega-3 EFA in the Udo’s oil is transformed by the body into the EPA and DHA as it needs it. Omega-3 in seeds is more stable, less processed and the body has better metabolic control over the transformation process. These EFA’s are readily available in fish oil. Fish oils are faster acting. The other concern with many fish oils on the market is that they may go rancid very fast. As well fish oils may contain high levels of mercury and other toxic metals.
- How is Omega-3 used by the body? What about conversion of omega 3 to EPA and DHA?
Half of the Omega-3 intake gets burned for energy. 10-20% per day is converted into EPA/DHA, but this conversion depends, in part, on the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6. The conversion is slowed down by excess Omega-6 intake, so they need to be properly proportioned and balanced. The conversion may be hindered by a lack of nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and copper, B3, B6, Vitamin C and E. Women convert Omega-3 to DHA/EPA better than men (36% vs. 16%) Conversion of Omega-3 to DHA also depends on how much DHA is already present in the body. 95-99% of the population does not get enough Omega-3, and what is not present cannot be converted. Saturated and trans-fatty acids can also hinder conversion. Omega-3 and Omega-6 from organic seed oils are very easily used by the body. Taking all these variables into account makes it difficult to generalize but at minimum people are able to convert ALA to DHA at a rate of 2-5% and 5-10% for EPA. This means that one tbsp of Udo’s Oil, which has 6500mg of Omega-3, will give between 130 and 325mg DHA and 325-650mg of EPA.